Community Event Photography
Photography covering one organization in Vancouver Pride Parade. This was the first Pride Parade in Vancouver since 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada. July 2022.
Truth and Reconciliation Day Drum Ceremony
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Drum Ceremony in Vancouver, BC.
The Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society hosted a drum ceremony for Canada’s first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on Thursday September 30, 2021 at Trout Lake in Vancouver, BC. The public ceremony was to honour the children who have died because of residential schools including the Kamloops Residential School. It was supposed to pour rain all day, but during the ceremony it did not rain and the sun even shone. Only a few minutes after the main event was finished did it start to rain.
National Indigenous Peoples Day Vancouver
A ceremony was held at the Vancouver Art Gallery on June 21, 2021 in honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day and also as a tribute the the 215 children whose graves were discovered recently at the Kamloops Residential School.
Happy Lunar New Year!
Lunar New Year Festival at the Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza in Downtown Vancouver on January 25 and 26, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Wishes on wishing tree at Lunar Fest 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Bubble tea bubbles at Lunar Fest 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Racing rat robots at Lunar Fest 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Fortune Telling booth at Lunar Fest 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Coastal Lunar Lanterns at Jack Poole Plaza. Vancouver, BC Canada.
100th Anniversary Polar Bear Swim - English Bay in Vancouver, Canada
A record-breaking 6500+ swimmers participated in the 100th anniversary Polar Bear Swim on Wednesday January 1, 2020 at English Bay in the Westend in Vancouver, BC Canada. Air temperature was 10 degrees Celsius and the water temperature was 7 degrees Celsius. Happy New year everyone!
Swimmers at 2020 Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Swimmers dress up in costumes for the Polar Bear Swim 2020 on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Deadpool Lego character by the Styrogirls. January 1, 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
A group of swimmers support each other. January 1, 2020. Vancouver, BC Canada.
Swimmers at 2020 Polar Bear Swim on January 1, 2020 in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Greta Thunberg at Vancouver Climate Strike March on October 25, 2019
16-year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was in Downtown Vancouver on Friday October 25th, 2019 to speak at Climate Strike March.
Greta Thunberg at a Climate Strike march in Vancouver, Canada on October 25, 2019.
Greta Thunberg with Severn Cullis-Suzuki at a Climate Strike march in Vancouver, Canada on October 25, 2019.
David Suzuki at the Climate Strike march in Vancouver on October 25, 2019.